Jelly Crystal Lamp

AGES: 3+                   ACTIVITY TIME: 10 Mins +                   PREP. TIME: 5 mins

Transform ordinary bottles into stunning crystal vases bursting with color.

Things You Need

  • Water/crystal beads or polymer hydrogel
  • Tray
  • 2x nice looking clear plastic drink bottle
  • Scissors/craft knife
  • Nail/screwdriver
  • Lighter
  • Stamping stick/ large marker with flat lid
  • Water in a syringe or dripper
  • Gelwax / glue gun

You will need to soak the beads in water for at least 2 hours but preferably more.


Let’s Do It

  1. Prepare the Bottles:
    Cut the top off one plastic bottle about 3 cm down from the cap to create a vase. Cut the top off the other bottle about 8 cm down from the cap to make a funnel.
  2. Funnel Lid:
    Heat a nail or screwdriver with a lighter, poke 5-7 holes in a lid, and place it on the bottle/funnel.
  3. Start Crushing:
    Sit the funnel in the top of the vase bottle and add crystal beads. You can choose a mixture of colors or just one to make a layered design. Crush the beads with a stamping stick or marker.
  4. Build Layers:
    Make layers of a few centimeters at a time, adding a little water to help compact the crushed crystal beads and enhance the color. Only add enough water to slightly dampen them; visible water should be avoided. Add a personal touch by dropping in the occasional uncrushed bead or other objects like artificial petals, leaves, or shells for a special and unique effect.
  5. Continue Layering:
    Repeat step 4, making layers until you reach about 2 or 3 cm from the top of the vase.
  6. Add a Covering Plug Layer:
    For the top layer, add a covering plug. Recommended options include gel wax or wax (heated), a glue gun, or alternatives like a cork or foam plug.
  7. Illuminate and Enjoy:
    Place your beautiful crystal vase on a base light, and be mesmerized by the stunning colors.

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