Planet Box

AGES: 3+                   ACTIVITY TIME: 10 Mins +                   PREP. TIME: 5 mins

Create a mini planet world using clay, pens, and a touch of creativity – a fun and easy DIY project for everyone!

Things You Need

  • Air dry/super light clay (white or colored
  • Color pens (if clay is white)
  • Little box
  • Needle
  • Fishing line
  • Thin clear plastic
  • Black paint or dye
  • White paint
  • Star stickers
  • Tape
  • Scissors


Get all the materials ready.


Let’s Do It

  1. Prepare the Clay: Start by breaking off a piece of clay roughly the size you desire for your planet. Roll out the clay and cut it into 4 or 5 evenly sized pieces.

  2. Add Color: Use color pens or food coloring to add color to each piece, but for a cleaner experience, I recommend color pens. Flatten each clay piece to create a smooth surface. Using a color pen, streak the clay as much as you can. Then fold the piece of clay continuously to blend in the color. 

  3. Shape the Planet: Scrunch the pieces together to form a ballish shape. Gradually mold it round and roll to achieve a perfect sphere.

  4. Prepare the Box: Color the inside of the box black using black paint, dye, or markers. Create a space design with white spots and add glitter glue or star stickers for a celestial touch.

  5. Construct the Planet Hanger: Cut a small circle from thin plastic. Then cut a 15+ cm piece of fishing line, tie a stopper knot at the end, and thread it through the needle. Poke the needle through the plastic circle and slide it down to the stopper knot. Push the needle through the planet’s center carefully and slide it down to the stopper plastic.

  6. Hang the Planet: Make a hole in the top of the box where you want the planet to hang. Thread the needle through the hole from the inside, carefully pull the planet up, and fix it in place with tape when it reaches your desired height.

  7. Admire Your Creation: Voila! Your mini planet box is complete. Enjoy your handcrafted celestial masterpiece!

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