8 Reading Comprehension Strategies for ESL Students

Picture of Andrew Mackie
Andrew Mackie

Strong reading comprehension skills are essential for ESL students to improve their understanding of texts, build vocabulary, and enhance critical thinking. Using effective strategies can help students become more confident readers. Here are 8 practical reading comprehension strategies to boost students’ engagement and understanding.

Reading Comprehension Made Easy

1️⃣ Predicting

Before reading, encourage students to look at the title, headings, and images to predict what the text is about. Making predictions activates prior knowledge and sets a purpose for reading.

  • Ask students: “What do you think this story/article is about?”
  • Have them tell you the reason they think that.


2️⃣ Skimming and Scanning

Teach students how to quickly find key information in a text by skimming for the main idea and scanning for specific details.

  • Skim to get the general idea of the text.
  • Scan to locate specific dates, names, or keywords.


3️⃣ Identifying Main Ideas and Details

Help students distinguish between the main idea and supporting details in a passage. This strengthens comprehension and summarization skills.

  • Use graphic organizers like a main idea and details chart.
  • Ask: “What is the most important point in this paragraph?”


4️⃣ Monitor understanding

It’s important to ensure students understand concepts as they progress, rather than waiting until the end to check their comprehension—by then, it might be too late.

  • Pause periodically to assess whether students understand what they have read.  
  • If not, reread the confusing sections.
  • Have students explain their understanding.


5️⃣ Visualizing

Creating mental images while reading helps students better understand and remember the text.

  • Encourage students to describe what they see in their minds.
  • Have them draw a scene based on the reading passage.


6️⃣ Asking Questions

Teach students to ask questions before, during, and after reading to deepen comprehension.

  • Pre-reading: “What do I expect to learn?”
  • During reading: “Why did the character do that?”
  • Post-reading: “What was the main lesson of the text?”


7️⃣ Summarizing

Having students summarize a passage in their own words helps them identify key points and retain information.

  • Use the “Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then” framework for fiction.
  • For nonfiction, have them state the main idea and key details.


8️⃣ Using Context Clues

Help students determine the meaning of unfamiliar words by analyzing surrounding words and phrases.

  • Look for synonyms, antonyms, explanations, or examples in the text.
  • Encourage students to guess the meaning before using a dictionary.



Developing strong reading comprehension skills takes time and practice. By incorporating these strategies into ESL lessons, students can improve their ability to understand and analyze texts. Try these strategies in your classroom to help students become more confident and engaged readers.


Which of these strategies do you already use? Do you have a favorite tip? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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